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Second Grade Science Pacing Guide

Biloxi Public School 2nd Grade Science Pacing Guide

Term 1


1. Develop abilities necessary to conduct scientific investigations.

a Formulate questions about objects and organisms and predict outcomes in order to conduct a simple investigation. (DOK 2)

b Compare, sort, and group objects according to two or more attributes. (DOK 2)

c Use simple tools (e.g., rulers, thermometers, scales, hand lenses, microscopes, balances, clocks) to gather information. (DOK 1)

  • Length, to the nearest inch, foot, yard, centimeter, and meter

  • Capacity, to the nearest ounce, cup, pint, quart, gallon, and liter

  • Weight, to the nearest ounce, pound, gram, and kilogram

e Create line graphs, bar graphs, and pictographs to communicate data. (DOK 2)

f Infer that science investigations generally work the same way in different places. (DOK 2)


Physical Science

2. Apply an understanding of properties of objects and materials, position and motion of

objects, and properties of magnetism.

a Investigate to conclude that when water changes to ice and then melts, the amount of water is the same as it was before freezing. (DOK 2)

b Investigate and describe properties and changes of matter. (DOK 2)

Unique properties of states of matter (Gases are easily compressed while solids and liquids are not; the shape of a solid is independent of its container; liquids and gases take the shape of their containers.)

Physical changes (e.g., boiling liquids, freezing ice, tearing paper)

Chemical changes (e.g., burning wood, making ice cream, cooking an egg)

f Compare and classify solids, liquids, and gasses.

Life Science

3 Develop and demonstrate an understanding of the characteristics, structures, life cycles, and environments of organisms.

Describe and categorize the characteristics of plants and animals. (DOK 2) Plant parts (leaves, stems, roots and flowers)

c Identify the cause/effect relationships when the basic needs of plants and animals are met and when they are not met. (DOK 1)

d Compare the life cycles of plants and animals. (DOK 2)


Earth and Space Science

4. Develop an understanding of the properties of Earth materials, objects in the sky, and

changes in Earth and sky.

c Collect, organize, and graph weather data obtained by using simple weather instruments

(wind vane, rain gauge, thermometer) and explain the components of the water cycle.(DOK 2)

Mississippi Science Resources

Chapter 1 Comparing Matter

Chapter 4 Plants are Living Things

Chapter 10: Weather Patterns